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Five Everyday Habits to Improve Brain Health

Five Everyday Habits to Improve Brain Health

As we age, our brains start to give up on us.  They make us forget things, move slowly, and maybe even lose some of our memories.  To combat the effects of aging on our brains, it is important to keep them active and in as good condition as we can.  When you are caring for your loved ones, you need to implement these habits in their everyday lifestyle.  If the demands of caregiving become too tedious, you can always ask for help from the professionals in home health care i...

What You Need to Understand about Parkinson’s Disease

What You Need to Understand about Parkinson’s Disease

Over 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year in this country, and many of these individuals are older adults.  This terrible disease affects the brain and nervous system, causing symptoms like tremors and difficulty with movement, flexibility, coordination, and balance.  When your older loved ones suffer from Parkinson’s disease, you will want to be sure that they have the proper caregiver or aide in home health care in Philadelphia, PA.  This...

Four Facts about Depression in Older Adults

Four Facts about Depression in Older Adults

Did you know that depression affects over two million Americans over the age of 65?  When other physical health conditions are present, it may cause mental health issues to arise during the aging process.  As professionals in home health care in Philadelphia, we help many seniors cope with the affects of aging, including health care, therapy, caregiving responsibilities, and much more.  This involves taking care of their mental health or alerting their family members of any pot...

Five Tips for Seniors to Get Quality Sleep at Night

Five Tips for Seniors to Get Quality Sleep at Night

Has your senior loved one been complaining about their lack of sleep?  Do they spend countless hours tossing and turning at night?  Do they have trouble sticking to a sleep routine?  When your loved ones age, they may realize aches and pains that they never had before, and this can affect the overall quality of their life – and their sleep.  As professionals in home health care in Philadelphia, PA to ensure they stay healthy and safe without needing to leave the comf...

Five Ways to Prepare for an Elderly Relative Who’s Coming to Live with You

Five Ways to Prepare for an Elderly Relative Who’s Coming to Live with You

Are you preparing your home to welcome your elderly relatives?  When you parents or grandparents age, they may need additional help in their everyday life.  As a caregiver, you may make the decision to have them come live in your home to make it easier on everyone and to truly give them everything they need to stay safe and healthy.  Depending on the space and size of your home, you may need to make some adjustments to prepare for their arrival.  These are a few ways that ...

Five Cleaning Safety Tips for Seniors That Live Independently

Five Cleaning Safety Tips for Seniors That Live Independently

Keeping your elderly loved ones safe when they live independently in their home requires you to think about all the hazards present in the home.  It is important to remember that their bodies change as they age, and this makes them more susceptible to trips, falls, and other accidents.  When they fall, it is easier for them to get injured because of their weakened joints.  As experts in home health care in Philadelphia, PA, we can take care of everything from medical care to pe...

Five Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

Five Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

Are you concerned that your loved ones are getting enough nutrition in their diet when they are living independently?  When you are not there to monitor the food that your elderly relatives are eating, you may be concerned that they are not eating enough or that they are lacking specific nutrients in their diet.  As you age, you require more diligence to your diet to maintain all the minerals and vitamins needed to support your health.  These are a few healthy eating tips that ...

Five Tips to Convincing Your Senior Loved Ones that Its Time to Stop Driving

Five Tips to Convincing Your Senior Loved Ones that Its Time to Stop Driving

Is it time for your senior loved ones to stop driving?  Are you concerned that your loved one’s health issues impair their ability to drive safely?  Whether your loved ones are suffering from symptoms of an illness or old age in general, you will want to take the right steps when it comes to discussing this issue.  Here are a few tips to follow when it comes time to convince your loved ones that it is time for them to stop driving. Sit Down and Talk ...

How Alzheimers Can Affect the Whole Family

How Alzheimers Can Affect the Whole Family

Has one of your loved ones recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease?  Alzheimer’s is one of the more difficult illnesses to cope with, because it involves deterioration of the memory.  This can eventually lead to loss of memory, inability to remember basic care, and the need for a full-time caregiver.  These are some of the ways that Alzheimer’s can affect the entire family. Changes Relationship Dynamics Alzheimer’s can chan...

How to Establish a Healthy Relationship with Your Caregiver

How to Establish a Healthy Relationship with Your Caregiver

Are you looking for ways to create a strong patient-caregiver relationship?  Do you want to enhance your elderly relative’s experience with their home health care aide?  When you have an elderly relative that requires the help of home health care in Philadelphia, PA, you want to do everything you can to support them through this new journey.  This can be challenging if you have a resistant relative.  These are some of the ways to establish a healthy relationship betw...

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