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Preparing for Home Occupational Therapy

Preparing for Home Occupational Therapy

In-home occupational therapy for seniors allows your loved one to stay independent in their house. This kind of therapy benefits those recovering from a stroke or surgery or who have a cognitive impairment like Alzheimer's. Most patients who obtain occupational therapy fight with getting dressed, taking baths or showers, using the bathroom, and standing for long periods. By acquiring skills through therapy to complete these tasks, your loved one can enhance their quality of life. ...

Five Ways for Caregivers to Address Feelings of Guilt

Five Ways for Caregivers to Address Feelings of Guilt

Caring for a parent or spouse is a gratifying experience. Still, it can leave you feeling guilty. Regret occurs when we think we've failed to meet the expectations of ourselves and others. Feeling guilt is a common response to the pressure of being a caregiver. Although this is a familiar feeling among caregivers, guilt can affect your health and capacity to care for people around you. However, there are ways to cope with guilt and reduce the burden, so it doesn't influence ...

What Aging in Place Means for Seniors

What Aging in Place Means for Seniors

Aging in place is the power to grow older in the house you love, enveloped by a community that sustains you. By continuing to live in their own residence, regardless of age, earnings, or ability level, seniors can maintain as much independence, convenience, and lifestyle as feasible. Why aging in place is essential Everybody wants to be in command of their own lives. According to our experts on home health care in Philadelphia, PA, independent living is critical to your ...

Four Ways to Enhance Caregiver-Patient Relationships

Four Ways to Enhance Caregiver-Patient Relationships

The caregiver-patient connection can often be tenuous and challenging. Home care is a stressful environment that generally involves significant illness or disability; within that, it is easy for understanding and tolerance to be in short supply. This is sad, however, because, in addition to being a complex relationship, the caregiver-patient connection is also important. For quality supervision and recovery to occur, a caregiver and a patient must cultivate a good connection, no mat...

Tips to Prevent Accidental Falls at Home

Tips to Prevent Accidental Falls at Home

Everyone is sensitive to falling. Younger individuals usually suffer no injuries from falls at home, or the damage is minor and generates no long-term damage. Falls among older individuals, however, can be catastrophic. Falls in older people happen for a combination of reasons. Some of them include muscle weakness, poor eyesight, infections, problems with walking or equilibrium, and perils in the home. Besides rendering fatal injuries, falls can also cause nonfatal injurie...

Six Qualities of a Great Caregiver

Six Qualities of a Great Caregiver

Caregivers do much more than simply look after their patients and treat their needs. They encourage and facilitate a bond that makes them basically a part of the family. Sometimes, they deliver more than what is required from them. Many patients spend most of their final years with their caregivers, so families need to find home health aides who treat their loved ones like their own. According to our experts on home health care in Philadelphia, PA, these are some of the essential qu...

Six Foods That Promote Optimal Health in Seniors

Six Foods That Promote Optimal Health in Seniors

Eating well plays a considerable role in preserving good health, which is particularly important for the senior population, where malnutrition is connected to a weakened immune system and slowed healing. But with all the foods available and the fuss over which vitamin supplement is the best, what should we pay attention to? A report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), emphasizes nutr...

How to Prepare Your Home for an Elderly Relative to Move In

How to Prepare Your Home for an Elderly Relative to Move In

Are you concerned about the health of your elderly parents as they age? Many family members assume the responsibility of caregivers to their elderly loved ones so they can assist with daily chores and responsibilities around the house. When health begins to decline as your loved one’s age, you may want to step in and have them move into your home to make caregiving responsibilities easier. As professionals in home health care in Philadelphia, PA, we understand the toll this can take but...

4 Ways to Make the Holidays Special for Your Elderly Loved Ones

4 Ways to Make the Holidays Special for Your Elderly Loved Ones

The holidays are here, and that means you are likely filling your social calendar with all those exciting events and celebrations to enjoy the season. When it comes to our elderly loved ones, they may be sitting back to relax and enjoy the season too, although it may look a little different to them. Those that struggle with mobility issues or illnesses may not be able to visit their families as frequently or stay energized long enough to truly enjoy each late evening celebration. When you hav...

4 Qualities of Great Home Health Care Aide

4 Qualities of Great Home Health Care Aide

People with health conditions who opt to stay at home must choose trustworthy, knowledgeable, experienced home health aides. Since the aide will work closely and intimately with the patient in the home, personality traits and interpersonal skills are of utmost importance. Due to the rapidly aging population, the demand for home health care in Philadelphia, PA is anticipated to soar in the years to come. While this is encouraging for those seeking the security and fulfillment that co...

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