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Why There is No Shame in Home Health Care

Why There is No Shame in Home Health Care

In the U.S., our culture has a very individualistic and independent way of thinking. We value being able to take care of things on our own and not relying on anyone for help. It’s all about freedom and making something of yourself on your own. Unfortunately, though, our culture can sometimes lead to people not asking for help when they need it because we feel, “I can do it on my own, I don’t need to rely on anyone.” While it can be noble to accomplish something on your...

Long-Term vs Short-Term Home Health Care

Long-Term vs Short-Term Home Health Care

At Empire Home Health Care in Philadelphia, our comprehensive caregiver services cover almost any home health care needs you need. Whether you are looking for long-term home health care, short-term home health care, or companion care, we can help! Some people aren’t very familiar with what type of home health care they may need — especially if it is their first experience with home health care. In today’s blog, we talk about long-term and short-term home health car...

Does Medicaid Cover Home Health Care?

Does Medicaid Cover Home Health Care?

As an aging senior, you may be wondering “does my Medicaid cover home health care?” Fortunately, in most cases, the answer is yes! Unlike Medicare, Medicaid can cover a wider range of health care services like home health care. While standard Medicaid coverage does not include coverage for things like home health care, a Medicaid Waiver makes it so that states can effectively waive rules and make exceptions. This all can sound a bit confusing, but the bottom line is: Medicaid will...

Signs It’s Time for Home Health Care

Signs It’s Time for Home Health Care

For our senior population, one of the most highly valued aspects of day-to-day life is their freedom. Just because you are getting up there in years doesn’t mean that you can’t live on your own! But when does being independent and living on your own start to become problematic? Home health care can serve as an excellent compromise for our seniors who still want the freedom and independence of living on their own but could use a little help. In today’s blog at Empire Home Hea...

6 Online Home Health Care Resources You Should Know About

6 Online Home Health Care Resources You Should Know About

If you are currently struggling with the difficulties of growing old, it may become harder and harder to take care of some of your basic needs. As we age, things that were once easy can become burdensome chores. It’s possible that you may have a loved one to help you with these difficulties, but for many elderly Americans, depending on loved ones is not always a reliable option to ensuring all our needs are being met. At Empire Home Health Care, we believe in helping every aging adult r...

How Can a Companion Caregiver Improve Your Health

How Can a Companion Caregiver Improve Your Health

As people grow older, life tends to get harder. From increasing aches and pains to troubles with memory, many elderly adults have more and more trouble getting through their day as they age. Getting older typically comes with having less energy to do keep up with our responsibilities like doing daily chores, taking care of hygiene, keeping track of bills, and attending doctors’ appointments. Another difficulty many older adults struggle with is maintaining a social life. ...

10 Tips for Visiting a Person With Dementia

10 Tips for Visiting a Person With Dementia

If someone you know is dealing with dementia, we know better than most that visiting with them can be a challenging experience, to say the least. However, it is important to remember that a person with dementia is dealing with a very difficult mental disorder. This makes it difficult for them to remember things, communicate with others, and even take care of themselves. Over the years we have found certain behaviors that make helping a loved one with dementia a much more pleasant ex...

How to Use Medicaid Vouchers for Home Health Care

How to Use Medicaid Vouchers for Home Health Care

Medical costs have always been expensive, but as we grow older and require more medical care, those costs can sometimes seem insurmountable. Luckily there are programs in place to help Pennsylvania residents who are struggling financially to pay for home health care. In this post, we will do our best to walk through what your different options are and how to go about taking advantage of these programs. We understand that these things can be complex, time-consuming, and difficult to execute, s...

Signs That You May Need Home Health Care Services

Signs That You May Need Home Health Care Services

Growing older can sometimes be a difficult experience. Even more difficult than that is coming to the conclusion that you may no longer be able to handle living on your own. Empire Home Health Care Inc is here to help you and your loved ones with these tough decisions. Just because you cannot handle all of the tasks you once could does not necessarily mean you need to move out of your home and into a full-care facility. However, if you are noticing these signs in your life or the lives of you...

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